Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wedding Mini

here is a video:
Heres a little mini Im making for a friend whos getting married and likes a non-traditional look of a wedding album, after all her colors are pool(turquise-ish), silver, and red!
some card tags...I used the Queen and King of the deck and added ther names with silver alphas and added some flowers.

Here is a cardboard heart I cut out and tore edges and added red paint and used alcohol silver mixitives

Saturday, November 7, 2009


challenge #6...My dog Brie passed away recently and the vet made a paw print so I wanted to frame and hang and heres what I came up with:
challenge #3 scraplifted the card tag idea from Ebony Ivory

challenge number 2 ....first time using VELLUM when u pull out the invitation u can see the date of the wedding on vellum

challenge #1